Counselling Twickenham and Teddington - Communication styles

What is an Aggressive Communication Style?

At Counselling Twickenham and Teddington, I offer couples the chance to explore each other's communication styles. You will learn new ways of engaging each other with empathy and acceptance. Providing you with an opportunity to express yourselves and communicate without having to resort to conflict.

When you engaged in aggressive communication you express individual needs and desires in a coercive and demanding manner. But when you communicate this way it does not take in to account the needs and rights of others. This way of communicating can feel controlling or intrusive. However, rather than characterise yourself or partner as an 'aggressive communicator', it is better to observe these patterns as they arise and respond to the moment. It is all too easy for you to attach labels and demonise your loved ones by stereotyping their behaviour as aggressive.

That is not to say aggressive communication is acceptable, or you should put up with it, only that you risk escalating tensions. On the contrary, where there is violence or the threat of it - you need to assert your boundaries. And if those boundaries are not being respected, you need to consider the consequences of leaving your partner.

Not all aggression, is violent

Equally, it is not helpful to accuse your partner of being aggressive, just because they express themselves emotionally. They may feel shutdown and alienated. When someone is shutdown every time they express themselves, they may feel controlled. Rather, it is helpful to understand that most of us use aggressive communication at some point in our lives. Aggression doesn't have to involve violence or control. It may be your way of making an emotional connection.

In fact aggressive communication is sometimes a necessary means of protecting ourselves in unavoidable conflict. It may also be a way standing up for yourself if your partner ignores or belittles your emotions. If you use an aggressive communicating style you may not be aware of your impact on others. And you can easily caught up in the moment with impulsive behaviours. This cannot excuse your behaviour, but understanding it helps us explain why it gets out of control.

Why do people communicate aggressively?

When you are communicating in an aggressive manner, you are generally perceived as selfish and unwilling to compromise. You may believe their own interests and needs outweigh those of others. Using an aggressive communication style is usually linked to a desire to win the argument, dominate others or defend against a perceived threat.

But it is not an effective means of communicating because your loved ones are often ignored or excluded from participation in any dialogue. This leads to a breakdown in trust and mutual respect. You may use this strategy as a means of attacking or controlling the other person, instead of expressing a need. For examples: "You never spend any time with me" versus "I need to spend more time with you" or "You cannot possibly understand me" versus "I want to tell you how I feel". These issues can be addressed through couples counselling.

At Counselling twickenham and teddington, I help you find solutions to cross communication. Couples who are communicating aggressively may also become abusive verbally and/or physically. Aggressive communication is often born of low self-esteem (caused by past experiences of physical or emotional abuse) and feelings of shame around expressing vulnerability. These emotional wounds may go unhealed. Or lead to feelings of powerlessness.

Are they doing it because they hate me?

You may not consciously be aware that you are violating the rights of others, but are responding to an internalised fear - such as a memory of being violated. Or traumatic experiences in your past. These may include memories of helplessness in the face of abusive parents or family members, which are then projected onto new relationships. You may tend to anticipate events "as if" it were happening to you in the present moment. This creates a constant expectation of aggression from others and may involve pre-emptive strikes before others can attack you.

However, when you use aggressive communication to express your feelings and opinions, you may advocate your needs in a way that violates the rights of others. Among couples this will lead to conflict and expressing anger in destructive ways. Although not always intentional, it can be expressed in a more hostile manner. This usually involves alienating or blaming messages such as ‘you-statements’ (in which your partner is blamed for being wrong or at fault).

This means labelling or even demonising the people you love. In addition, your tone of voice and facial expressions may become angry or contorted. The assumption behind aggressive communication between couples is that "my needs matter more than yours". Or "I win, you lose". This can be very destructive in relationships and may lead to violence, manipulation or partners being controlled.

Characteristics of Aggressive Communication


You stand up for your personal rights and express your thoughts, feelings and beliefs in a way that is inappropriate and often impinges upon the rights of others. People often feel devastated and overwhelmed by an encounter with an aggressive communicator. Superiority is maintained at the expense of others by dominating the conversation or putting others down. When threatened you attack, though usually from a defensive position in which the attacker perceives themselves to be under attack.

Characteristic mind-sets and behaviours of aggressive communication:

Close minded

Poor listeners

Has difficulty seeing the other person's point of view




Achieves goals, often at others' expense

Domineering, bullying


Condescending, sarcastic

Puts others down

Doesn't ever think they are wrong

Can be bossy and domineering

Moves into people's space, overpowers others

Pushes other people around

Know-it-all attitude

Doesn't show appreciation for others

Verbal characteristics:

Tone sarcastic, cold, harsh

Using prejudicial or abusive remarks

Fluent monologue with very few hesitations

Often hostile, abrupt or clipped tone of voice

Angry, sarcastic or condescending voice tone

Emphasising blaming words and long lists of grievances

Often fast paced voice, without interruption for long, articulate monologues which are full of blame

Aggressive verbal interaction such as shouting, screaming or rising to a high-pitch at the end of sentences

Use of emotional or physical threats, e.g., “You’d better watch out” or “If you don’t...”

Verbal put downs, e.g., “You’ve got to be crazy...” “You’re being hysterical” or “Don’t be so stupid”

Judgemental or critical comments, emphasising black and white thinking e.g. “you should”, “bad”, “ought to”

Boastfulness, conceited or arrogant remarks e.g. “I haven’t got problems like yours”

Opinions expressed as fact without any room for questioning or evaluating another’s point of view e.g. “Everybody knows that…” or “That’s a useless way to do it”

Threatening or critical questions, e.g., “Haven’t you finished that yet?” or “Why on earth did you do it like that?”

Nonverbal characteristics:

Intruding into the other person’s space

Staring at the other person without blinking

Gestures such as pointing, fist clenching or shouting at the sky

Striding around impatiently as if they were trapped

Leaning forward or over into another’s space

Crossing arms (unapproachable)

Smile may become sneering

Narrowing eyes critically

Scowling when angry

Jaws set firm

Rigid posture







Provokes counter-aggression and alienation from others

Wastes time and energy over-supervising others

Confrontation rather than Problem Solving

Must win arguments or blame others

Physical violence or intimidation

Operates from win/lose position

Shouting or screaming

Mottos and Beliefs:

"Everyone should be like me."

"I am never wrong."

"I've got rights, but I ignore yours."

Thinking style:

“I’ll get you before you have a chance of getting me”

“I’m out for number one”

“The world is a battle ground and I am out to win”

“You must see things my way”


You get others to fulfil your needs without making any effort yourself

You enjoy the fantasy of being in control

Things tend to go your way

You feel less vulnerable

Release of tension

You feel powerful


Aggressive communication fosters resistance, defiance, sabotage, striking back, denial or covering up

If you are always trying to control others it can be difficult for you to relax (as you trigger anxiety and in others)

Your relationships will tend to be based on negative emotions and may become more unstable or confrontational

Aggressive communication means people tend to feel inferior deep down and lack self-esteem. They try to compensate for this by putting others down

Your behaviour will create enemies and resentment in those around you

This can result in a sense of paranoia and fear for those close to you

Decreasing self-confidence and self esteem

Pays high price in human relationships

Forces compliance with resentment

Feelings of guilt, paranoia and shame


You can seek help for communication at Counselling Twickenham and Teddington ( for relationship counselling)